The journey continues...

We all run into trials and tribulations that make us question our passion and gifts. 

It took me months to figure out what was happening: who I was becoming, where I was headed, why am I doing what I'm doing and finally how does this all fit into my life. A lot has happened in a short space of time causing disruption, destruction, depression and death. As I was on that downward spiral , everything turned up and now there's light.

Thinking about it now, I shouldn't have questioned myself, because there has never been a river that stopped midstream to change direction and flow upstream. That's not how nature works and that's not how life is.

A new season has started within me. An inner growth spirit has been ignited. As the fire within my soul flares up, I realise that it was never put out but just covered. So I've chucked out my rose coloured glasses and I'm looking at my road with a clear vision. Pen and notebook in hand, the meraki journey continues.


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