Chapter 6

Love is powerful. It's draws people together and can tear them apart. It knows no bounds. It's limitless. It's just a pity that in today's world, the word has attachments, terms and conditions, as well as contracts. We celebrate it either way. A friend of mine is getting married this coming weekend. I'm so excited, it's like I'm the one getting a ring on my finger. The planning process has been stressful and fun at the same time. We've gone through all sorts of emotions, but nonetheless, we've enjoyed every minute of working on the project.

Event planning has never been "part of my gender"(those of you who watch #OPW will get it). It's something I just fell into. It all started with planning my own parties and went onto planning other events, such as baby showers and now I've just planned my first bridal shower and wedding. The people who know me, know that I love surprises and I definitely gave my friends and family something they were not expecting at this year's birthday celebration. I implemented the same element of surprise this passed weekend when I hosted my friend's bridal shower and got a similar reaction from my guests. Its a talent I never knew I had, which led me to concluded that when you love what you do, you do your best, especially for those who are dear to your heart.

Love is remarkable. I lost myself in love and I found myself there too. The next colour that I add to my beaded Zulu love letter is red (stands for physical love and strong emotion). Surround yourself with good people. Abundance flourishes when surrounded by positivity. Love what you do and do what you love.


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