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I was recently commissioned by my cousin, to make a canvas painting as a gift to her friend. There's nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make others happy. Afterall, life is better when we're happy, healthy and receiving gifts.

Nice gifts and written notes are good gestures to show love. The best thing about a picture is that it never changes even when the person in it does. I wanted to capture the essence of my subject, which is her innocence, by removing the clutter that surrounded her in the original image and setting her in a heavenly background. Cliché, I know, but she is an angel as you can see below.

The original image.

The composition done by Archnuvo.

The best gifts are the ones we give. It isn't about the size of the gift that matters, but what's from the heart.

For more information and to commission a logo design contact Archnuvo via email at or call (+27) 73 548 8883 or visit my Facebook page (click on the link below) to send me an inbox message.


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