
I have introduced myself. Now I explain myself. My names translated mean, "given a fruit barer" and my surname translated means, "messenger". Reflecting on my life I see the fruits that I have given to people. Mostly not wanting anything in return and I say mostly, because I am human and there have been times that I have wanted something in return.

Today is my birthday and I celebrate by showing gratitude. It took years for me to realize that I am a direct translation of my names. The people that have been pillars in my life have made me see my purpose. We are surrounded by living angels and I acknowledge those who have left a mark in my life. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You know who you are.

I give thanks to you who have believed in me. I thank you who have picked me up when I was down.
I thank you who have inspired me. I thank you who have embraced my flaws and imperfections. Just like Kintsugi, a Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum, you have filled my cracks. I am beautiful, unique and reunited with myself. Yes, this once broken pot has taken a new form, but maintained the same shape. I am the person that I am today, because of you and I am truly grateful.


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