Chapter 2

Customizing one's space is important for comfort, hence I decided to talk about my wardrobes today. I personally believe in structured chaos. It's structured in that it's categorically packed by colour and item, and chaotic in that I shove everything, but in a neat way. My mom hates it.

The different lines of wrinkles and folds are therapeutic for me, because they are never the same. I gravitate towards the ones that are most interesting. I have a new room now. So I thought to myself, "How can I come up with a concept to incorporate mesmerising lines into my room without overwhelming my space?", that's when I looked towards nature for my inspiration. It never seizes to amaze me.

I noticed that there's never an identical grain when a tree trunk is cut. Each plank has its own characteristic. That's when it hit me, raw solid wood. I designed and got a carpenter to make the cupboards. The wheels were added, as I am petit, for me to be able to move them around with ease when I decide to change my furniture arrangement. That happens when my craze kicks in.

I get bored easily. I guess most creatives do.  I think too much too. I sometimes wish I could calm my mind down from the constant buzz. It's on autopilot from the moment I wake up until I go to bed. I've embraced it, because it's actually a blessing in disguise that the person who put this curse on me has long disappeared with the antidote. Look at the results.


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